HOT end of the year Tarot card reading: spicy predictions for your zodiac sign
The most magical time of the year is here. On Halloween weekend, there is electricity in the air and the gates of your soul are open to the fulfilment of secret desires. In order to shake the worries of the past year and become a new, vibrant version of yourself, you need to believe in magic and listen to the guidance of the astrological stars. So, if you are ready for change, discover the amazing omens below, mediated to you through magical Tarot cards by esotericist Iris Sepman.
Iris has 30 years of experience in various mental health practices, the last 15 years of which she has spent giving fortune-telling courses, teaching both Taro and Lenormand cards to all magic enthusiasts. Iris has said the following about herself:
,,I have always been interested in everything mysterious and mystical. Over the years, however, the sure belief that it is possible to experience something other than the material world has deepened. This inner voice has helped me search for my life’s meaning and come to the conclusion that both me and everyone else’s purpose is to be happy and share it with others. My teachers have been various great spiritual people and I have learned Feng Shui, I-Ching, geobiology, pendulum, different Tarot cards, Lenormand cards, Oracle cards, astrology, Rune magic, Reiki, Crystal therapy (grades I-V) and completed courses on the power of the subconscious, clairvoyance and Mysticism.’’
Let's take a look at what Iris Sepman’s mysterious Tarot cards predict for your zodiac signs for the end of 2022.
Day-dreaming AIR SIGNS
Air sign representatives, Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius, have a lot of exciting changes ahead of them. Flirting is important - both with your partner, money, and work - filling every area of your life with abundance through a playful approach. During the Halloween season, the stars recommend turning your attention to freeing your inner animal. From BonBon’s collections, Bite Me, charged with black magic, is the perfect fit for this as it awakens a primal tiger inside a woman’s soul whose majestic stripes represent courage and independence. The collection’s extravagant design is inspired by strong and independent women whose essence is seducing but not quite attainable. She never gives anyone a piece of her soul because like a wild tiger, she always marches to the beat of her own drum and lives by her own rules. This Halloween, we encourage you to find your fierce passion and conquer your life like a bad pussycat, as Bite Me captures the world's admiration and attention. Being naughty has never looked so appealing, meow!

Flirty GEMINI (21. May – 21. June)
The cards show Two of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, and Four of Pentacles. This means that a very interesting time is coming for Gemini in love, symbolised by the sexual cat-and-mouse game. Your presence is seductive, which is why you have multiple admirers, in-between who it can be difficult to choose. It is possible you might find yourself in a complicated love triangle. A storm is raging in your world of emotions and through flirting you will venture onto exciting undiscovered paths.
It is also a great time financially for Gemini. Skills and opportunities are in abundance; if one direction turns out to be not profitable enough, you immediately take on the next one. There are good earning opportunities especially internationally and in connection with foreign countries.
In the near future, an obstacle might cross your path which will decrease your ambition. This could be an old relationship or an attachment to a previous job.
The cards recommend Gemini to make decisions one step at a time. Don’t make big, far-reaching plans, but instead, see what each new day brings.
Passionate LIBRA (22. September – 23. October)
The cards show Ten of Wands, The World, and King of Wands. This combination refers to an emotional period in love. Sex, passion and temperament are raging, and a new sexual energy helps you discover higher levels in life. Yet, Libras need peace and safety the most during this time. But this doesn’t exclude passionate adventures that you experience with a loving partner. Libras who don’t have a partner may suddenly find themselves at the beginning of a new stormy relationship.
Financial matters are also at a very good point for Libras. Intuition and independence help bring in an abundance of income. There is less deliberation typical of Libras and more determination. The cards suggest ease - as if it is raining money. It is a good time to spend, especially on your family.
Libras have a period of change ahead of them, but the newly found ‘two feet on the ground’ sense of security helps them achieve anything and manage their life skilfully.
‘The Leading Lights’ card suggests to be more trusting of your life and destiny. When looking back, your life has always been filled with guardian angels, mysterious lights or signposts that have guided you towards right decisions when you have lost your way.
Sensual AQUARIUS (20. January – 18. February)
The cards show King of Swords, Two of Water, and The Star. Meaning, Aquarius has an interesting time coming in love. New experiments await and the time is right for a sexual awakening. Emotionally, Aquarius may feel dissatisfied. If they feel like they aren’t getting enough attention, it causes the water to fluctuate. It is important for an Aquarius to be noticed, so they will find a way to make their presence known. Romantically, the time is very optimistic and a longtime perspective is in the cards with their present partner. If there is no partner yet, it would be worth visualising your dream partner because the time is favourable to meet them.
Aquarius’s financial matters are in a good place. Money will bring you joy as you can afford nice things. The money card shows a rapid growth of income and stable service.
Aquarius can expect a beautiful surprise in the near future. This might be in the form of benefitting from a profitable investment. Trust your intuition! You are doing very well money-wise, knowing where it is worth spending your money and where not.
Recommendation card warns that before you plan anything, ask first. You should ask as soon as you feel like you need help.
Upstream swimming WATER SIGNS
Water sign representatives, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, have a mysterious time ahead as a lot of repressed feelings and situations resurface again. It is worth trusting your fantasies and emotions as they give you a chance to turn a new page in life. As Halloween approaches, it is recommended to break free from old beliefs and be open to experiencing new magical moments. From BonBon’s collections, the mystical Coco Heart is the most fitting for your zodiac sign. Coco Heart pays homage to the early 2000s by drawing inspiration from Elton John and Dua Lipa's iconic lyrics about opening your heart to new love. Crystallised flower motifs and cold blue lace add mysticism and strength to the gentle feminine undertone, opening your heart to new romantic adventures. Coco Heart’s enigmatic fabrics revive frozen dreams and repressed fantasies, awakening a passionate and unearthly beautiful Nordic pop princess within you.
Helen is wearing passionately sexy Coco Heart's Underwired Bra and G-String. The body is adorned by Coco Heart's Suspender Belt.
Sensitive PISCES (19. February – 20. March)
The cards show The Hierophant, High Priestess, and King of Swords. The cards reflect a mysterious time in love where you need to take care of your boundaries and spirituality. Sexual relationships show an experienced and resourceful lover who will guide you to the path of tantric practices with the purpose of awakening your Kundalini energy. Emotionally, your shadow side takes control, which can symbolise a hidden relationship. However, romantically, you know exactly what your goals are and how to achieve them.
Financially, expect a time when money is coming in abundance from the universe, but Pisces knows how to control their expenses instead of splurging. The money card states that you will receive an abundance!
In the near future, Pisces have a lot of inner strength to cope with everything coming their way in life. An exciting time awaits filled with many important events.
The cards recommend showing extra attention to your friends. You can achieve a lot with real friends once both parties open their hearts and are open to various possibilities.
Seductive SCORPIO (23. October – 21. November)
The cards show Seven of Cups, Six of Water, and Seven of Cups. Scorpio has an unforgettable time coming in love. Sexual fantasies stimulate your desires and you’re very sensitive to your surroundings - various aromas mess with your head and lure you into a seductive game with shadows. It’s like you’re in a masquerade ball filled with lively adventures, parties, and adrenaline. Romance is charged up and the cards show a favourable time for new fiery connections.
In financial matters, it is important not to make rushed emotional purchases. This tends to happen because passions are burning high. The money card shows a hole in the wallet. You seem to spend more money than planned. But, a financially-secure knight, who will steal your heart, is already on the way.
The cards recommend stimulating your taste buds by mixing a good drink that has a magical effect. Scorpios will know what this means. ;)
Curious CANCER (22. June – 22. July)
The cards show Queen of Swords, The Fool, and Knight of Swords. The atmosphere is icy! Both on a sexual and emotional level. This is a sign that an old relationship or beliefs have reached their expiry date. A smart and experienced woman who loves heroes - partners who are good to her. She attracts a partner with her strength, health, and beauty, and prefers long term relationships. Romantically, new relationships are on the horizon, but only on Cancer’s own terms. It is important to stay true to yourself.
Financially, Cancers don’t have to worry. They have a loving relationship with money and are happy to both spend and earn. Everything is in a balance.
The cards show the end of an old pattern in the near future. It is possibly related to a new job as the cards emphasise your resourcefulness and clever nature.
The recommendation card tells Cancer to remember their truth. Stay true to yourself and if you want to start something new, don’t be afraid to make it a reality.
Confidence-bursting EARTH SIGNS
Earth sign representatives, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, are in for a stormy period. Sense of duty and perfectionism often keeps you grounded, keeping you from dreaming and your creativity to fly. However, this Halloween is the best time to revive your forgotten emotional life with magic. The most characteristic collection for Earth signs from BonBon’s selection is Birdie, which displays a collection of the sweetest and most passionate moments of life. Once you dare to stand out and adorn your body with bright colours, you’ll feel like a free flower-child amidst a field of boundless dreams. From now on, no-one can take away your wings of intoxicating femininity or silence the desires of your soul, because your confidence is your compass that always finds a way to fulfil your wildest fantasies. Like a wild cowgirl, together with Birdie you will conquer undiscovered lands and adventures, while feeling fresh, free, and radiant.
Laura is wearing marvelous Birdie Underwired Bra and G-String.
Balanced TAURUS (20. April – 20. May)
The cards show The Hanged Man, Knight of Cups, and Five of Pentacles. This combination warns you against limiting your freedom of action and neglecting your own needs. There are a lot of self-sacrifices in love as well, where Tauruses might find themselves at a standstill. You may experience emotional emptiness and feel restricted. To a lot, this might be related to the absence of children or a partner. Passionate emotions seem to still be hibernating. Romance can’t reveal itself if you are overwhelmed with responsibilities. It would be a great idea to find more free time for yourself. However, the situation will improve in the first half of the new year; a more fruitful period begins, where Tauruses can fully enjoy their sex life and rise to new heights.
Financially, things aren’t good either. Luckily, Taurus always has a backup plan. Money card ‘keys’ also says that a Taurus always finds a way to manage money.
A tricky period is coming in the near future where you will need to deal with a lot of troubles all at once. Unexpected things can also happen in the place of work, dealing with documents, and bureaucracy.
The recommendation card says to lean more on friends in tough situations. A proper party with your closest friends will provide emotional nutrition and bring out the sun again.
Girly VIRGO (23. August – 22. September)
The cards show Five of Cups, King of Air, and Ace of Pentacles. This means that romantically, Virgo is facing a stormy period. You yearn for something new and grand feelings, yet are tortured by old scars. Sexually, you don’t feel 100% satisfied as well as it feels like something is missing. Emotionally, you may feel oppressed and yearn for something lighter and airier.
Financially, Virgo wants everything to be honest and correct. You are able to earn money in a variety of sectors and manage yourself well. It promises to be a profitable time.
The cards predict an interesting time in the near future, when Virgo starts something new and practical. You can expect an important meeting with a friend whose support is very important.
The recommendation card Sky speaks of Virgo finding a sense of security. Find, create, or recall your safe haven and know that it will always be there for you. Visit this place if you want to feel a calm and healing magic.
Determined CAPRICORN (22. December – 19. January)
The cards show The Magician, Ten of Water and Ten of Cups. Capricorns have new thoughts and plans in love. They know exactly what they want from life. They dream big and are tuned in to the wave of romance. Just present them with everything expensive, majestic, proud, and beautiful.
Financially, Capricorns are dominated by different moods. There are moments of spending, where it feels like if there is leftover money, why not spend it. You are able to afford something beautiful for yourself and others. However, other times, Capricorns often see the glass half-empty. But they know that they will always manage, regardless of the situation.
In the near future, Capricorns can expect nice family gatherings. Many also have an addition joining their family soon. You can also expect great partnership and the time is also right for starting your own company.
The recommendation card Hope confirms that there is always hope for the situation to change for the better. Know that the Sun will shine again soon!
Captivatingly powerful FIRE SIGNS
Fire sign representatives, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, have a spontaneous and romantically tuned time ahead of them. In the light of their fiery nature, it is a great time for pushing through your wishes and career dreams. To get the most out of Halloween, it is recommended to embody your inner animal or a fiery-soul goddess to increase your energy even more. The most characteristic collection for fire signs from BonBon’s selection is the temperamental Kitty Hawk, which is made for a femme fatale who breaks hearts and chases her dreams relentlessly like a ravenous bird of prey. Blood-red lace looks innocent and reserved on the surface but come nightfall, it becomes a weapon of seduction that has the ability to make every pair of eyes fall in love at first glance. It’s a duel between ravenous beauty and feminine power, from which only you will emerge as the winner! Kitty Hawk is your Pandora’s box that will aid you in your every sensuous adventure!
Kätlin is wearing feminine Kitty Hawk's Push-Up Bra and Thong.
Fiery ARIES (21. March – 19. April)
The cards show sexual magic card Knight of Wands, emotion card Seven of Pentacles and romance card King of Cups. These fiery cards predict a temperamental and spontaneous time for Aries, both in their sex life and emotional world. You are very romantically tuned right now but you often spend a lot of time in your memories, recalling previous beautiful moments or relationships. You often find yourself looking at old letters or pictures. At the same time, your demands are high and are often insatiable when it comes to your wishes. With the rashness typical of Aries, you may invite a partner to a romantic dinner yourself, because you simply can't wait for him to do so first.
Aries are financially successful and always have a backup plan in the face of savings. You love beautiful and expensive things, having a high appreciation for clothes and lingerie. The temptation to overspend is big, and you might suddenly discover that you have spent it all. Luckily, Aries has good instincts on how to earn money back quickly.
In the near future, you can expect different events and parties where you can have fun and flirt. There might be passionate one-night stands and there can also be heated arguments. The cards warn not to exaggerate with alcohol. Try to do everything in moderation.
The recommendation card suggests finding harmony with your closest friends. Together you can achieve so much more.
Temperamental LEO (23. July – 22. August)
The cards show sexual magic card Ten of Cups, emotion card Emperor, and romance card Three of Pentacles. Based on this, it can be stated that a very beautiful time is awaiting Leos in their sex life. You will experience beautiful feelings and romance. On an emotional level, you want everything to go your way. You feel drawn to grandeur and luxury - mansions, hotels, and ships with an opulent atmosphere.
Leos like to have complete control over their financial matters. They like to make sure that their spending is correct and everything has got its justified payment. Earning money is easy, traffic-related earning opportunities, for example, driving a car, are particularly favourable. The dominant keywords are diplomacy, car, and money.
In the near future, Leo will receive some good prospects. Fate will favour you. An influential person will also support you. You may receive a good offer in this regard.
Recommendation for Leos: sharing. Whenever you give, you get back more than you gave.
Curious SAGITTARIUS (22. November – 21. December)
The cards show Nine of Wands, The Star, and Nine of Cups. Charged with intoxicating feelings, the cards promise that Sagittarius's can expect beautiful feelings, caressing, and pleasures in love and sex. Emotionally, feelings that offer hope and perspective are in the foreground. Romantically, you can expect dates, dinners, and candlelight evenings that fit perfectly into the cozy Autumn nights.
In terms of financial matters, Sagittarius’s should be more careful than usual. You might not receive some expected funds. Or you simply spend so much that you don’t even notice until it’s all gone. However, the money card itself is Angel wings, which means that once all the funds are used, Heaven will send new opportunities to earn it back.
Sagittarius can expect new ventures in the near future. You find yourself faced with two options, not knowing which way to go. Something in your life ends and you leave it behind. The recommendation card also shows that new beginnings await.
Make your constellation work in your favour and celebrate Halloween in a lingerie collection that enriches the mysticism of your zodiac sign. Each collection is 20% off on their designated day so be sure not to miss your one and only chance!
FRIDAY 28.10 - Air signs collection Bite Me -20%.
SATURDAY 29.10 - Bite Me + Water signs collection Coco Heart -20%.
SUNDAY 30.10 - Bite Me, Coco Heart + Earth sings collection Birdie -20%.
MONDAY 31.10 - LAST DAY Bite Me, Coco Heart, Birdie + Fire signs collection Kitty Hawk -20%.
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