New Year, New You, and a Clean Intimate Area
BonBon kicks off the new year with a fresh sense of energy directed towards creating luxurious and sensual designer lingerie, all-while boosting the confidence of women. We are especially passionate about discussing feminine topics, offering inspiration and new exciting pieces of wisdom that can be applied during the search for the ‘Better You’.
Today's discussion revolves around the topic of intimate areas - yoni, or as some may call it, a woman’s second heart. If a woman’s confidence is highly affected by the lingerie she chooses to wear, then what is underneath that set of lingerie, is no less important. This is especially the case when the lingerie in question has a more mischievous design or is even one of our boudoir line open g-strings.
The ABC’s of Intimate Care
Ester Leppik of beauty salon Anestra Ilustuudio, who’s a mentor for beauty technicians and cosmetologist with a degree in medicine, will help us dive into the topic of intimate care. She advises women to take care of their intimate area on a daily basis, and has a few useful tips on how to do so:
- Attend sugaring regularly
- Exfoliate your bikini area at least once a week
- Hydrate with aloe vera gel after washing your intimate area
- Use calming sheet masks made specially for the bikini area (e.g. Alexandria Professional’s MudPuddle mud mask)
- Apply intimate wash onto your skin with bare hands, instead of a shower sponge
- Try to avoid scented products when it comes to intimate care
- Ingrown hair should only be removed by professional beauty technicians
Hair Removal - For Who and Why?
It’s no surprise that a well-groomed intimate area looks good already by itself. Add sexy lingerie into the mix and you get an even better result, which in turn also enhances certain sexual joys of love. However, the question still remains - is hair removal safe?
“An outdated opinion is that hair in the intimate area helps prevent the spread of bacteria and removing that hair in question, leads to bigger health risks. Today however, modern day science has proved that pubic hair is a birthing ground for bacteria. It is important for everyone to find a method of hair removal that suits them the best, be it either limiting or completely removing pubic hair in their intimate area. Our clients state that the reason for going to sugaring has to do mainly with hygiene - the clean feeling you get after depilation, and not to mention the gorgeous combination of sensual lingerie and smooth skin”, says Ester.
The cosmetologist continues: “Sugaring is a depilation method that dates back to the era of Cleopatra. The sugar paste is 100% natural, consisting only of sugar, water and lemon juice. In 2018, sugaring was among the TOP 3 most popular beauty procedures, according to some of the leading beauty and health magazines in the world.
What Kind of Haircut to Choose?
According to Ester, trends like rhinestone-covered bikini areas and dyed pubic hair that are widely spread in the media, aren’t popular in Estonia: “Women prefer to have their intimate area completely hairless, or leave a so-called ‘landing strip’ or a triangle”. “This kind of well-groomed intimate area also proposes itself as an incentive to wear BonBon’s gorgeous premium lingerie”, assure the beauty technicians working with Anestra.
There are multiple various methods of intimate area depilation:
- Bikini line sugaring consists of removing hair that would be exposed when wearing bikini bottoms. Thus, hair that grows on your upper thighs, below the belly button, and around the groin. This kind of depilation method is enhanced by classical and high-waisted panties that can be found within the Frozen Blooms, Eleanor, Infinity ja Ramona collections.
A deep bikini area depilation consists of removing more hair from the groin area, but keeping the outer labia untouched. If requested, hair from in-between the buttocks can be removed as well. This kind of depilation method is enhanced by the BonBon g-strings and tangas, especially within the Foxy Ladies collection.
- A Brazilian sugaring consists of removing all hair from the bikini area and in-between the buttocks. This kind of depilation method is enhanced by BonBon’s boudoir line, the brightest stars being the Vera and Silver Mist collection’s open g-strings.
Ester recommends exfoliating the skin a day before the sugaring procedure, in order to achieve the best results. “Rest up, because a tired and stressed body has a lower tolerance to pain. If that fails, take a painkiller half an hour before the procedure and eat some chocolate”, says the beauty technician.
The Brazilian sugaring procedure at Anestra Ilustuudio:
- Before the procedure, we will find out the client’s previous depilation experience and requests, while creating a pleasant and safe environment for the client to feel relaxed.
- The technician will ask the client to remove their underwear, lay down on the bed, and bend their legs so that the bikini area is open.
- The technician will clean and powder the skin.
- The technician will take a suitable amount of sugar paste, which she uses to remove the hair a small area at a time.
- While performing the depilation, the technician will maintain a conversation with the client and keep an eye on how they are feeling. If necessary, taking a break is always an option.
- If the hair has been removed from the front area, the technician will ask the client to turn either on their side or stomach, and she will also remove the hair from in-between the buttocks.
- The technician will clean the skin, apply calming aloe vera gel, and will kindly ask the client to get dressed.
- We will also provide useful aftercare tips and suggestions, and book the client in for the next time if desired.
Men and Sugaring
Anestra Ilustuudio also has men clientele who regularly get the sugaring procedure done. As surprising as it might be, the most popular procedure among men is the Brazilian, followed by the back area and armpits. Even though hairiness is often associated with masculinity, Ester’s co-workers believe that when a man feels masculine, then that’s what he is. In general, well-groomed men are confident.
Free of Fears!

Ester states that the biggest source of fear for her clients has to do with the level of pain the procedure presents, uncomfortableness with being naked, and the technician's professionalism. But we have good news, Anestra’s clients have all confirmed that sugaring isn’t half as painful as they imagined it to be. Due to the sugar paste latching onto only the hair instead of the skin as well, the procedure is a lot less painful than waxing.
The aspect of being naked usually only presents some uncomfortable emotions the first few times, until you finally realise that the depilation technician is essentially just doing her job, just like a gynaecologist. Your skin is their working surface, and the technician will most certainly not put any more attention on it than what is needed to do their job.
Personal Experience with Sugaring
A member of BonBon’s team has personal experience with sugaring: “When I first developed an interest towards bikini area depilation, I resorted to regular waxing. Bear in mind, this was years ago, but it was one of the most painful things I have experienced in my life. I promised myself, never again. By then, most of my friends had tried sugaring and assured me that it was a lot less painful, but I still decided to keep my promise and I did so for at least 4-5 years. I only started rethinking this promise when I began travelling more. I had always just shaved my intimate area, but in order to avoid those annoying ingrown hairs, I had to sit in a hot bath for at least 10 minutes beforehand and while travelling, that option often wasn’t very viable. Nowadays, I have stuck to sugaring because it’s the most safe, long term and painless method of intimate area hair removal there is”.
The Choice is Yours
We are not at all suggesting that intimate care means all hair should be removed from that area. Instead, we believe that it represents making an individual choice of what creates that special positive feeling within you. A good reference point can be your favourite lingerie that either reveals or conceals your oasis of temptation.
A well-groomed appearance is a foundation that offers remarkable long-lasting support throughout the day. BonBon’s lingerie combined with a clean intimate area transforms you into an unstoppable femme fatale whose glittering confidence has a jaw-dropping effect on all those around her.
Find your favourite set of lingerie from BonBon Lingerie’s online shop!